to help you update your strategies, translating into the enhanced and desired quality of life that you aspire to today.
You are probably here because you want to stop SURVIVING and start LIVING FULLY
Today, you're probably going through a difficult period, feeling frustrated. Every day seems to be a struggle against the lack of time and energy to survive the daily grind.
The lack of mobility and ease no longer allows you to do the activities that bring you well-being and the joy of LIVING.
Your sleep pays the price, as does your ability to navigate life's ups and downs while your system seems to be on 24-hour hyper-vigilance.
The challenges of everyday life weigh heavily on you, and it seems that no one can really understand the extent of your suffering.
Isolation grows as you long for connection and understanding.
You've had enough of temporary solutions that only treat the symptoms without ever resolving the root cause of your ailments.
You want to regain control over your quality of life, but you don't know where to start.
Your symptoms are real,
but they don't have to be
a life sentence!
Your pain and discomfort are very real, and although they may now seem like 'part of the furniture', it is possible to relearn comfort and ease, and regain a quality of life worth living.
A person can learn a new way of doing things, and my program provides you with the essential conditions to achieve this.
There's no magic pill, and this transformational journey begins with both your awareness and your willingness to change. Together, we'll explore your deepest needs, identify the obstacles holding you back and put in place effective strategies to overcome them.
Combining the techniques of RTT® hypnosis and Spinal Flow®, we'll create a personalized plan for you. These modalities not only help you manage your symptoms; they get to the root cause of your problems. Imagine yourself gradually freed from pain, stress and limitations - a true transformation!
Just imagine,
waking up ready
to take on the day!
You recognize your limiting beliefs and don't hesitate to take action to transform them.
Making the right decisions and life choices becomes easier.
You resume the activities that bring you well-being and joy in life.
And you regain control over your quality of life!
My name is Nivea Loiselle,
I'm a Rapid Transformation Therapy® (RTT®), a Feldenkrais® and Spinal Flow® practitioner, a scientist and a curious person whose aim is to help you transform and fully live the quality of life you desire today.
You're on the verge of making the right decision, and that's to get some help. What's more, if you're here, you've already begun your transformation.
I know you've tried other solutions without achieving lasting results, and that's why I'm proud of you, because it takes willpower not to give up.
My professional and personal experience has led me to develop a Rapid Transformation Program. Together, we'll create a personalized plan that allows you to remove the brakes and blockages preventing you from shifting gears to achieve your goals quickly, and regain control over your quality of life.
Naturally, you'll take an appointment with me, and I'll explain how I can help you.
See you soon!
How this Rapid Transformation Program
can help you with managing:
stress / anxiety
quality of sleep
RTT® (Rapid Transformation Therapy®) hypnosis, developed by Marisa Peer, identifies the root cause of a symptom and/or behavioral pattern, then re-programs and transforms it.
The somato-psychic wave is activated using the Spinal Flow® Technique designed by Dr. Carli Axford. The Somato-Psychic wave releases blockages stored deep in the Nervous System, creates an internal reference signal that increases the body's resistance to stress, and enhances the mobility of the entire system.
« Je termine une thérapie avec Nivea et je recommande ses soins 😀c’est une personne bienveillante et qui cerne rapidement les problématiques. Elle est investie et sa thérapie m’a fait beaucoup de bien déjà au niveau physique moins de tensions au niveau cervical😀de plus elle donne des outils qui permettent de consolider le travail fait avec elle. Je me sens plus forte moins angoissée après l’hypnose et le spinal flow..je retrouve un lien avec mon corps que j’avais un peu perdu et une relation plus aimante envers moi même. Le bilan pour moi est très positif 🙏🌺un grand merci Nivea »
Juillet 2024
« When I sought help from Nivea I was struggling with procrastination and decision making. Few days before the first session with Nivea my doctor informed me that I had to go through an unexpected surgery. I was so surprised with myself on the surgery day. I was feeling very calm, connected to myself and relaxed. Even doctors noticed my calmness and fearlessness, and jokingly asked me : Do you know why are you here? :) During this healing process I feel more confident, focused, more aligned to my body, more aware of my thoughts and emotions. Now it's easier for me to understand and accept why I feel a certain way. Now it takes less time and energy to make decisions and feel positive about them. As well as, the recovery after the surgery was fast and almost painless. Nivea taught me some really helpful and easy techniques to control and ease the pain. After the sessions she was constantly in contact with me through phone calls and follow up emails to remind me what was discovered and to help me stay focused during my transformation path. I'm infinitely grateful that Nivea is accompanying me through my healing process. She is absolutely a great source of information, suggestions and techniques. For her genuine compassion, professionalism and care I wholeheartedly recommend working with Nivea. »
« Je reviens vers vous une semaine après être rentrée de Gap. Je confirme les bienfaits de la technique "Spinal Flow" et surtout le fait qu'ils perdurent dans le temps malgré la reprise des travaux pas toujours sympa pour le dos (jardinage, ménage...)... Donc une plus grande liberté de mouvement, surtout du côté de la nuque, de la fluidité, un bien-être certain. Je n'avais pas dit que mon compagnon a bénéficié des soins en même temps que moi : chacun sur une table de massage, Nivea allant de l'un à l'autre dispensant des soins spécifiques à chacun. Je suis admirative de sa grande capacité à se concentrer et à percevoir et à sentir ce qui se passe chez chacun !!! Donc pour mon compagnon, les bienfaits sont immenses : Les tremblements de la main droite dûs à la maladie de Parkinson sont toujours présents, mais les douleurs musculaires très fortes liées à ces tremblements ont complètement disparu et ne sont pas revenues depuis que nous sommes rentrés. Les acouphènes ont très nettement diminué et le gênent nettement moins. Et, il a retrouvé en partie l'odorat. Donc un gros travail du côté des cervicales... Il se sent évidemment beaucoup mieux, et ressent également ce changement dans la fluidité du mouvement et la souplesse (confirmée par sa kiné...). Sinon, nous faisons tous les jours les quelques mouvements que Nivea nous a montrés, qui permettent d'entretenir et de continuer le travail entrepris à Gap. Cela prend peu de temps et nous fait du bien. Et...Nivea nous a téléphoné hier pour prendre de nos nouvelles, et éventuellement nous donner des conseils. Donc, Spinal Flow, une technique que nous trouvons très intéressante et efficace, et Nivea, une belle personne, sérieuse, passionnée et attentive. Merci beaucoup Nivea. »
Juin 2024